Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007

Happy New Year, everyone!
I am personally glad to see 2007 leave. It's been a hell of a year around our house. We have had many ups and downs. Now, on the last day of this year, the future is looking bright once again.
John and I have made it thru with alot more gray hair but together and stronger than ever. We got old this last year....together. I thank God everyday for sending me this wonderful man to be my partner in life. I love him and he loves me.
Dawn, my oldest daughter, is doing great! She is finally back to her old self, smiling and happy. She is loving life! I worried about her ALOT over the last year. She has had a heavy weight on her shoulders. She has a 2 year old little boy, gave birth to an amazingly happy baby boy, went thru a divorce and is doing a great job at making sure both kids are well adjusted. She is finally able to smile at her X husband when he comes to get the kids for visitation. (I still want to beat the shit out of him.) She is dating Brian again. A young man that she dated a few years ago. He is totally in love with her and is wonderful with the boys. She's taking it slow. He has brought back her self confidence and her smile. It's a beautiful sight to see.
Amanda, my youngest daughter, is stubborn and hard headed and we have had our trials. She has grown up so much over the last year and is turning into a fantastic young woman. She has managed to keep straight A's in school, with everything that has happened this last year. She's 14 years old but her soul is older. You would think that she's in her 20's most of the time. She's smart and beautiful, inside and out. She and her boyfriend have been together for over a year now. Scary stuff for a 14 and 15 year old. They are devoted to each other and it's amazing to watch 2 teenagers handle a relationship better than most adults. It has been hard on us parents. They are both wonderful kids, smart and mature for their ages. They are determined to show all of us that they really do love each other and want to be together forever. Sometimes they make us, adults, look like children. I think that we are all starting to believe that they will end up married someday.......way in the future. Is it really so hard to believe that 2 people their age could have already found the love of their lives?
I lost my mother this year. That has been the hardest thing to deal with. I miss her everyday. I still need her everyday.
My grandsons are my life! Those two little boys have made me get up when I just wanted to give up. They bring me so much joy, love and happiness every day. They think that I'm awesome and I can't and won't let them down.

I'm ready for a new year. Let's do this thing!

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